Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Curious George Cricut Cutout

I have just spent the past two nights playing with my Cricut Design Studio creating cut files to make this Curious George cutout. I think it turned out alright. The first two attempts just looked like monkeys to me. Third time's a charm! I might do a bit more tweaking around the mouth area, but it'll do for now!

I thought drawing with ms paint was difficult! Took a bit of practice, but I think I know what I'm doing now. I used three cartridges to make this - Don Juan, Mini Monsters and George & Basic Shapes. (I'm not writing this because I think you're interested, I am putting this in writing so I don't forget again)! If you ever happen to get Design Studio and want the files, let me know and I'll try to figure out how to send them to you!

Hope you're having a good night. I am still fighting off a cold. Getting better - it's moved out of my head and down into my chest now. At least I can breathe again! That's it for today. Sleep well - talk to you tomorrow (if you can get your messenger to work)!