Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Exciting news... read while sitting!

Did you fall for it (↑)? Or are you on to me? Ah, who am I kidding... you know I often lie on my blog, if for no other reason than to make myself feel better. Denial. It's what keeps me going...

Last night I had lots to do.

1) I assured Bernice that I would work out the price for a cake she has requested. You would like her Deb - I'm pretty sure she is a nutty as we are, but she hides it so much better than we can.

2) I had to bake a cake to make cake balls (sounds kinda Dr. Seuss-ish doesn't it?) so I could have the class Easter crap ready for school on Thursday morning (I bowl Wednesday night so I need to get everything prepped so all that's left to do after bowling is the decorating part). As you can tell by the link, I will be using the CASE method again.

3) I had to do a mass printing of Easter tags to go along with the "Easter crap."

Shall I do a play-by-play? I know how much more fun it is to have to endure... ummm, I mean read the ramblings of a bored psychopath in point form. Ok - I won't recap what I've already done. I don't have the patience for that.

So here's how my exciting day has unfolded:

7:00 - fell asleep on the couch (note, this was at 7:00pm on Monday)
7:30 - woke up
7:32 - came to realize it was 7:30, but not Monday night. In fact, it was no longer Monday.
7:33 - kicked myself for not accomplishing any of the tasks I laid out for myself last night.
7:33 - dragged my ass off the couch
7:34 - went to wake up Cole (already awake, washed, dressed and fed)
7:34 - went to wake up Brett (not as eager to be vertical - took some nagging)
7:35 - got ready for work.
8:00 - answered the phone (it was Tom who was making sure I was up)
8:20 - we headed out the door into brisk cold air and onto a snow covered ground.
8:21 - Mumbled a "Thank you Tom" for listening when I had mentioned that the loaner car did NOT have a snow brush in it. (He had cleared it off for me before he headed off to work)
8:25 - went to Horton's
8:40 - was sitting in Tom's office
8:50 - went to Neath's Supply to pick up some steel-toed work boots for the swamp monkey.
9:00 - was sitting at my desk (working)
10:45 - the clock watching started.

Blah blah blah. I can't be bothered to do the point form anymore. My thoughts are not organized, so I'll go back to my usual scattered rambling...

Tom was just here with a coffee for me. My office door was closed so he couldn't see what I was doing. He does not know about my blog yet. No one does. Just you Deb.

I just caught myself smiling because an image of your socks flashed through my head. What was my comment? ... nice socks you fucking leprechaun. Why can I not just look at your socks and think "socks?" The ones that stand out in my mind are your Pippi Longstocking socks, your witch socks and your leprechaun socks. I'm thankful that you can't find the zebra socks you've been searching for... alright - enough about your odd fetish.

I have to leave work early today as Cole has swim practice again today. I pulled the smelly bathing suit out of the washer and to ensure that the odor was gone, I rolled it up with two Bounce sheets in it. I don't think it will ever smell of anything but flowers ever again. I think it now smells worse than it ever did. Holy cow those new bounce sheets are heavily scented!

Am I boring you to death yet? Would you prefer I do another one of those "try to follow my train of thought" posts again? Think I will - starting .... NOW.

I enjoy going back to read what I've written in these entries. However I find it difficult to type things as fast as I think them. By the time I've typed it out, I have to skip a few thoughts to keep up. For example... damn, it's gone. I was just remembering that you have a hard time reading these because you are an old biddy who needs new glasses. You need spacing. You want paragraphs. Well tough titty woman. Buy some solid coloured socks! Pippi Longstocking reminds me of Wendy - from the Wendy's chain. Must be the red pigtails. But then, why don't I think of Anne of Green Gables? I guess I do, because I just did. Hmm. Something to ponder. Later. Right now I am trying to type things as they come to mind. If I spend too much time on red pigtails... well that would be far TOO boring. This is bad enough. It is 1:27 right now. I am not going to do the time stamp thing again, however I did find it kind of amusing to do. Deb is going to Florida in a couple months. Fuck, I hope she doesn't find her zebra socks while there. I know they'll be wandering off the Disney grounds because she mentioned the space shuttle launch and seeing the ocean. That means she will have the opportunity to go shopping. And those damned Americans are likely to have something as stupid as zebra socks. Why not just black, white, blue, brown or gray socks? Even red socks are a little too much for me. Do I have a problem? Am I a sock racist? Did I word that right? Looked wrong, but who really cares? There is no possible way that she's still reading this. I should quiz her to see if she really does read everything I've taken the time to type out. But then again, she can read my mind. Oh, that's funny... just thinking of the time Tom said he was reading my mind. I will have to add a link to show just how funny he is. Coffee truck. Did you notice my absence? A hunk of pizza and a diet coke. I hate pizza but I'm hungry. Tonight we're having ravioli and caesar salad for dinner. Then I have to do everything that was supposed to be done last night while I was sleeping. Cole's grad pictures are tomorrow. $25 sitting fee. Wonder how much they're going to gouge me for the actual pictures? Thank God he agreed to a haircut. Otherwise I could have just found a picture of cousin It online and photo-shopped a grad cap on him. That's funny. I should do that anyway, just for shits n giggles. What's even funnier (although it's kind of mean) is that I have taken to calling Brett Pugsly Addams since he got his hair cut. Who does that make me? Morticia? Nah, I'm nowhere near skinny enough. However I am very pale. This pizza is disgusting. Just tossed it. I could have pulled the cork board off the wall and eaten in. Probably tastes the same. I wonder if Deb is still reading this? I wonder if her head hurts yet? If it does hurt is it because (a) there is no spacing between each line (b) there are no paragraphs to be found since starting this method of writing (c) she can't keep up to my train of thought (d) I boring her to death. But for (d) to be true, that would mean that a symptom of being bored to death would be a headache. I am not sure if this is true. So maybe (d) should just be (d) she is bored of reading this jargon. I wonder how hard she'll find it to follow this. (assuming she's still reading). Because I have typed so many (d) references, I wonder if her eyes will be drawn to them. Then, because her eyes don't know which (d) to scan to, she will end up reading the same sentences over and over until she comes upon the (d) that she should be looking at. In summary, I think I might have typed to many (d) references. HA HA HA. That's actually quite funny. I should just put random (d)'s throughout my posts to make her eyes wander. I bet I COULD give her a headache if I really wanted to. Although that would require her undivided attention, and I honestly doubt that I have it. Why would anyone want to sit and read through this? Because it's me? Because I am such an interesting person. I think she knows me better than that by now. (d) I just decided to throw that in. Don't ask me why. Well, I'll tell you why. Because I'm mean and spiteful and I am really trying to see if I can give you a (d) headache. I think I shall end this here. I have to go pee. I am sure Deb likes it when I advise her when my bladder is full. Now that I think about it (d) I am pretty sure I have to pee whenever I'm talking on the phone with her. Or (d) it could be that when I talk on the phone with her, we talk for a long time. hehe - the day I had to tell Tom that I was talking to Frank on the phone so he wouldn't (d) laugh at me for talking to Deb AGAIN. Not that it fooled him. (d). He knew who was on the other end of the line. Ok. Really, I have to go pee. And this ends right ...NOW!

*poof* she's gone!

1 comment:

  1. I am KILLING myself laughing - yes had to use my fingers to trace the lines to make sure I was reading the next line instead of reading the same line over and over agin......

    I am now on the hunt for Zebra socks from WDW....

    too funny......

    You make me laugh everyday!
