... people have been talking (or replying if you want to get all technical)
Oh, and the things I have written. Doing a mental flashback... what have I said?
- I admitted to eating litter
- I have proved I'm insane on several occasions
- I wrote about "Popsicle sticks"
- Oh, and my "sex with Deb" post.
- putting condoms on my Dad
- oh, and there's so much more...
I suppose I shall get on with the rant that I had mentally prepared while making a dinner that I knew I was not going to be able to eat.
Let's start off from my last post from a week ago.
Wednesday. Picked up the Rendezvous from the garage. They did not do all the work I requested, so now I have to make another appointment and will lose the car - again. After bowling, I decided to wash the car at the coin op wash. Hose blew. I was SOAKED from head to toe. Finally made it home, frozen to the core. Took me all bloody night to warm up again. Silver lining in this situation? hmm. I guess it would be the clean car.
Thursday. Was advised that my work hours were being knocked back. We are now closed on Fridays and we all have to take a day off during the week (this way no one has to be laid off). Just temporary, so everything should be alright. Silver lining in this situation? I now have Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Mondays off until things pick up.
Friday. Good Friday. Tom went golfing. I spent the whole day baking a cake that was to be delivered on Saturday. First chocolate cake failed. No idea what happened. Went in the bin. Second chocolate cake was okay, but the crust was hard. Made two vanilla cakes - again, the crusts were hard. Because it was good Friday and there were no stores open, I had to go to the corner store to get eggs, butter and icing sugar. CHA CHING! Ended up using cake mixes (which does not support fondant as well as one made from scratch). Then I spent the whole night decorating it. The fondant bow was pink and white. My intentions were to "glue" it together with white chocolate. Not sure why, but it would not melt, so I had to use yellow candy melts. While doing this, the bag I was using exploded and I had a mess of hot yellow gunk to clean up. Was up until 5:30am. Silver lining in this situation? The cake is done. She was very happy with it - overpaid me to say "thanks!"
Saturday. Went to Brantford for a family get together. Met at Boston Pizza. I ordered a bowl of chili ($8.95). Was smaller than a large chili from Wendy's. Went back to Mike and Elaine's to play cards. Tom won one of the rounds. I didn't win any. Silver lining in this situation? I was playing with Tom's money.
Sunday. Easter. No kids. Woke up at 11:30 and did absolutely nothing (that I can remember). Picked the boys up in Brantford at the usual time. They reek of that stupid pool again. Then, as we're driving back to the creek, don't we pass the dick - headed in the same direction. Why in the Hell did he make us drive to Brantford if he was going past Hamilton? Idiot. Silver lining in this situation? I am not married to the freak anymore.
Monday. My "volunteered" day off work. I did laundry all day until everything was washed (even the bedsheets). Made a roast beef for dinner. It might have looked good in the package, but it was full of grissel (how do you spell that?) and fat. Not nice at all. Filled up on potatoes. Silver lining in this situation? I didn't have to go to work and I didn't have roast beef stuck in my teeth because I didn't eat it.
Tuesday. Fall on your face Tuesday. Bad all the way through. Heard that Evan is in critical condition. Heard that his brother wrote off their mother's Explorer. Fell on my face. Got stitches on my chin. Have to live off yogurt because it hurts to chew anything. Mom called to say Grandma is in hospital again and that if she does not improve by tomorrow, they will be keeping her there until she passes. Silver lining in this situation? Two less cars on the street? (oh, that was really bad). ok - silver lining? I've never had stitches outside childbirth so this was an experience I've never known.
Wednesday - well, it's the wee hours of the morning and I'm sitting in a chair so I'm not likely to faint... So far so good! I am going to go to bed before it all falls apart on me!
Hope your sleeping the sleep of the just. Talk to you on IM tomorrow! BTW - my chin is STILL bleeding (although not very badly anymore). Oh, and since this has turned into a giant whine fest, my teeth now hurt, and so do my ribs, my shoulders and my spine (on top of all the original aches and pains from this morning). I imagine I went down like the people in those old Nestea commercials... know the one's I'm talking about? Oh, and your husband is a dink. Pregnant. How could he call me and say such nasty things? I'd be needing a ride to the Skyway.
Going to bed. Well, I lie. I am going to surf while I finish my coffee. Then I'm going to bed. I am hungry so I doubt I'll sleep, but I've got to try if nothing else. Night Chick (oh, and to anyone else that might be reading this).
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