Saturday, August 13, 2011

The grand plan.

I just spent a couple hours, sitting on my deck - drinking coffee and perusing one of my new favorite sites filled with DIY projects. I read up on a backyard renovation and fell in love. The whole time I was reading, I was envisioning what my yard could look like. I decided that I could work out some plans for a spring reno of my own.

I went into the house to replenish my mug. Reality hit me. I have a hard time finding the willpower to do the everyday things that I'm supposed to do. You know, like cooking, dishes, laundry, dusting, etc. What was I thinking? Overhauling my back yard!? Crazy talk. For three years I've said "this is the year I construct a square foot vegetable garden in the side yard." For three years my side yard has contained nothing but uneven ground, patches of grass, moss, weeds, and thanks to my neighbor's garden along the fence - raspberry plants scattered everywhere.

I know I can do it if I really wanted to. We did build a pond which I have maintained for several years now. But it was an impulse project. Once it was started, it had to be finished, otherwise my poor fish that were in the pre-existing formed pond that I ripped out would die. That seems to be the only way I get things done. On impulse.

I have decided that I have to get out of this lazy funk I've been in for quite some time now. There are so many projects that have to be done. The day we walked through the house and decided to put an offer in, was the same day I stated that I hated the paint down the stairs and throughout the basement. We have been here the better part of eight years and the paint remains the same as the day we first saw it. Pathetic.

So there you have it. I have decided to do what I can with as little money as possible. Hopefully I won't be posting a year from now about how the basement still needs to be painted! Alright - it's starting to rain and I'm sitting on the deck. Going inside to do something but I'm not quite sure what that will be just yet. Perhaps I should work on a "to do" list first. I like seeing things crossed off a list. Somehow I find that quite gratifying. First thing on my list? Get off the computer and make a list! Second thing on my list? Do something on the list I've created!
