Sunday, February 8, 2009

We interrupt this important message to announce that "I NEED TO THROW UP"

Alright - here we go. Another wonderfully exciting entry coming right up... well, it's an entry, but I doubt it will be wonderful or exciting.

Another weekend has come to an end. It was a childless weekend so it was quiet. Here is a summary of how Tom and I spent our time:

Friday night we had Harvey's for dinner (after which I burped pickles for hours). We dropped the boys off in Brantford and headed back home where Tom and I played Yahtzee for three hours. Went to bed.

Saturday morning I woke up at 11am. Drank the brown cup that Tom bought for me at 7am. I had a shower and then we went out for breakfast. Dropped Tom back at home and I headed out to do all the things I hate to do. I had to attend a wedding that evening and decided I should probably go get my eyebrows waxed and buy something to wear (yes, a procrastinator when it comes to clothes shopping). After four hours of shopping, I got home with an hour to get ready to go. I had a shower, and while applying makeup, noticed that my eyebrows were wonky - one is nicely shaped and the other, well, not so nice. It looks like I'm walking around with one eye cocked up - not sure how it makes me looked - inquisitive, disbelieving, or insane. Anyway - didn't wear anything I bought. Found a dress I had stashed in the closet and off we went to the wedding.

Wedding started at 5 - we were out of there by 7. Went home, ordered Chinese food for dinner, ate, and then played Yahtzee again for a couple hours. Tom fell asleep on the couch while watching Planet of the Apes. I was working on the blanket I'm crocheting. Since he was sleeping, I threw in a movie but he was snoring so loudly that I decided to go to bed to watch the movie. I fell asleep five minutes into it.

Sunday I woke up at 11am. Drank a cold brown cup that Tom had bought for me at 7am. Had a shower and we went out for breakfast again. Went to Canadian Tire to get a rear wiper blade for the Rendezvous. Dropped Tom off at home and I went to get groceries for us and for Jade. $290 later... went home and put groceries away. I played Peggle for a while, went outside and played with the pond because it's the first time in a couple months that it hasn't been covered in three inches of ice. (fish are all still alive). Had a quick chat with the neighbor and went back inside. Tom had left over Chinese for dinner, I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat.

Drove back to Brantford to pick up the boys and headed home. I played Peggle and then did a bit more crocheting. Brett went to bed at 8:30 and at 8:45 I loaded groceries for Jade into the car and headed out to Niagara on the Lake.

Seems they are having problems with one of the people renting one of the rooms. Long story. Condensed version: he had been in her room uninvited while she was out. When she came home he was three sheets to the wind and there was blood on the walls and urine on the floor of the bathroom. The bedroom door of the third roommate had been broken during an attempt to get into it too. Blah blah blah. The landlords (who live upstairs) will be having a word with the troublemaker and his parents tomorrow.

So, here I sit with a brown cup. Shoes and socks off (what a nice feeling), bra off (even better feeling), pants undone (can't beat that feeling), and everyone in bed but me (enjoy the silence). Now I'm singing Depeche Mode....

Upcoming events:
Feb 12 - Mom's birthday
Feb 15 - both boys have a bowling tournament
Feb 21 - Brett's football registration
Feb 22 - both boys have another bowling tournament
Feb 27 - Jade and I have an appointment with the dentist
Mar 7 - Tom and I are going to the Falls for the night
Mar 12 - going to the Leafs game, to see one of Daryl's friends who plays for the Tampa Bay Lightning (hopefully he's back off the injured list by then)

I'm probably forgetting a gazillion other important dates in there, but luckily Tom remembers everything I need to know.

Exciting stuff eh?

Well, my coffee is just about done and I have some lurking to do. I will probably play Peggle for a while first to give my poor fingers a rest. Then I will do the stalking thing. Wonder how the baby shower was that my stalker attended... I will tell her all about the wedding on IM tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some work to do so I don't have to spend 8 hours watching the clock again. But then, how will I ever keep up on the 2 million bloggers I stalk privately? (how in the Hell did that number get so high?) There are a lot of funny people out there - and it amazes me what people will write about when they don't think that any one's reading...

On that note, I will end your misery and allow you to go stalk someone else!

Hope your day is going well... Ciao.

Uh-oh. Cole just came up and informed me he needs to throw up. Why he needs to tell me before he can actually do it is beyond me. SO, here I sit (computer room is next to the washroom) - waiting for the horrid noises to stop and for the bathroom door to be unlocked. *this can't be a good thing* Ugh - I am just imagining what is going on in there. Does NOT sound like anything is hitting the toilet. Oh, there's the door - GOTTA GO... will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Uh oh. Poor Cole - is he sick or just ate too much crap?

    Back from the wedding @ 7pm? wow....

    I drank way way way too much last night - guess who was barfing at 8am??

    I did however make it to the shower.......
