Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Clock watching makes for a very long day

I am so freaking bored. I am physically exhausted and I have done ZERO today. I could sleep upright in this horrid office chair. Debbie has no new posts and the people I have been stalking privately only update their blogs once a day so I have nothing to read that I know will be worth my while.

My God I can't believe how tired I am. Not pregnant, but that's how tired I feel. Pregnant tired. If I were knocked up, you would read about me in the news as I would be on top of the Skyway Bridge - hugging a boulder (and Tom would be there beside me hugging another boulder in case I chickened out)!

Sorry Deb

I forgot that you're turning into an old biddy that can't see.

Does it make you feel special when I type to you specifically?

Do you feel like a loser knowing you're the only one that reads what I've written?

I have not told Tom that I've started this blog.

I have not told my children that I've started it either.

I fear that they would have information with which they could blackmail me.

Speaking of blackmail... did I ever give you the present I bought for you a couple years ago?

The coaster that says "We'll always be friends.... you know too much."

If I didn't, pretend you don't know about it and I'll surprise you with it at a later date.

I really don't know what to type. I don't even know why I decided to do another post.

I have as much to talk about now as I did earlier when I was proving that I'm insane.

I will end this here and vow NOT to write again until I have something worth reading about... so

check back in a year or two. Actually, I am self absorbed, and I find myself and myself very

interesting so I'm sure I'll write again sooner than that. But for now, I am OUTTA HERE!

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