Like I said earlier - all the stupid drivers were out by the time I was ready to leave for work. An hour later, I arrived (normally a 15 minute drive) - only 50 minutes late today. God I'm lucky my boss likes me. I keep hoping he'll send me home but he never does! Well, that's a partial lie. I'm pretty lucky to have a job that allows me to surf the web all day long and get paid for it. There are obviously days that don't allow for this, but 2009 has started off slow - steady work coming in, but not the usual stupid mad rush that 2008 ended with. Felt we were always reacting to situations - nothing proactive here unless someone brought in a yogurt for lunch. Actually, that would be livactive or whatever it's named. Forget the yogurt reference. What started out to be a comment of wit ended up being the comment of a DIMwit.
So now, here I sit, watching the clock. Suppose I could do the bank reconciliation, but I'm just not in the mood for numbers today. This should make for a very long day seeing that it's my job to deal with all the numbers that come in and go out.
I am wondering if it's possible to type out every thought that comes into my head. Probably not because I can't type that fast. I will give it a whirl (brace yourself - I am insane, I swear)
WHO PICKED OUT THIS RADIO STATION? oh, I did. Who the Hell is that singing? What the Hell are they singing? How did this song make it onto the radio? Did the cat just fart? What is that smell? I have to go pee. My toenail hurts. Think I trimmed them down too far again. Itchy nose. Backspace backspace backspace. Itchy shoulder. What kind of soap am I using? It's drying out my skin. Bet if I turned my clothes inside out at the end of the day, I'd see white patches of dead skin in all the spots I scratched throughout the day. God, I have to do laundry. I am wearing dirty pants for the third day in a row. I am out of clean underwear. I hate underwear. Guys are now in my office yabbering about whatever. Don't really care. One psychological drama to the next with them. Swear they are more like women than I could ever be. Itchy shoulder. Stupid bra strap is preventing a really good scratch. Itchy cheek. Fuck I hate winter. Dry, itchy skin. Static. hehehe - shocked the cat pretty good this morning when I gave her a good morning pat. My coffee is cold. Three coffees in one morning. That's an awful lot of sugar before noon. A loose hair is getting tangled in my hands. Better than it being stuck to the soap. I hate that. Hairy soap. No, kids dropping the soap behind the toilet is worse. Never know if I should clean it off or throw it out. However it is soap... should wash off okay. Toothpaste is another story. Why do kids drop things behind the toilet so much? I should probably make an effort to clean behind there more often. God, that sounds like work. I hate having to clean. I hate laundry. I hate lugging laundry down the stairs. I hate folding laundry. Laundry never seems to get put away... we just rummage through the piles ON the dressers to find something to wear. Better that than what I've done for the past three days which is to rummage through the pile on the floor BESIDE the full hamper. Ugh. I don't want to do laundry. Well, shouldn't take that long. Up until this past weekend, I have been really good at making sure I do it every weekend. FUCK. Have to go to that wedding this weekend. No kids this weekend. I am hungry. What should I make for dinner tonight? Either eggs Benedict or homemade mac and cheese with smoked sausages. Hmmm smoked sausages. Don't think I have English muffins left. Think Cole and Tom ate them all. Where's my hand cream? My skin is so dry. Cats are cute. Tubs is cleaning her face... she looks so cute. I wish I was a cat. Unless I was the owner - I really should clean the litter boxes more often. Poor cats. They can't pee anywhere but in the box and they can't clean the box themselves and my God, I hate walking past it some days. I could not imagine having to climb in there while I pee. Well, guess it would be like going in an outhouse, but then again, they have to stand in the litter and it's usually one giant clump by the time I get around to emptying it. I know once a week is not often enough, but I hate doing it. Phone. "Baseball bat proof" mailbox for a house in the country. Damned kids. I hate some people's kids. Like the shitheads that slashed my tires. Or the shitheads that stole my car. Why is it always MY car that gets damaged? Why does Tom's truck always get skipped? Although if he hadn't had the spare key to my car in his truck, my car never would have been stolen. hehe - he's a shithead enabler. But I've never had good luck with my cars. The Audi was smashed up at the gas station by the freak who doesn't know how to park. The Villager fell off the hoist (that is actually a funny thing to remember). Not so funny at the time but funny now. So was the story behind the Rendezvous being stolen and how I found it on my own after deciding the police were not that interested in my distress. lol - Deb's wedding rehearsal. I will never forget watching her crying on the floor beside the toilet in the public washroom and really not knowing what to say. Funny, I never know what to say in any given situation. What did I say - "one day you'll look back on this and laugh" It really was not funny at the time (well, it sorta was because it wasn't happening to me), but I couldn't tell her I thought it was funny. She might have ripped the toilet off the wall and thrown it at me. Like the day she ripped the... the... what was it? I think it was the range over the stove off the wall after losing it on the phone. HAHAHA - the cab company she called and freaked on. FUCK she's a funny girl. I like Deb a lot. She usually lets me laugh at her... and I like the fact that she can laugh at herself too. Might take a day or so for her to see the funny side of things, but she can and usually does laugh at herself. I wish more people could do that. Oh, I like this song. Michael Buble. What kind of stupid name is that? Oh - IM.
Alright I will stop this because I am becoming bored. lol - wonder if my stalker has taken the time to read all this crap. If yes, HA HA HA. Hope you can laugh at yourself!
Done for now. Going to see what you've sent me on the other window. Will maybe continue this babble later for lack of anything else to do!
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