Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I hate my life

Too bad this song turns into a guy thing because the first verse could EASILY be my theme song:

So sick of the hobos always begging for change
I don't like how I gotta work and
They just sit around and get paid
I hate all of the people who can't drive their cars.
Bitch you better get outta the way
Before I start falling apart

Now anyone that has spent more than a day with me will know that I hate people. I say it all the time. Well, not all people, just stupid people. I do not have the patience to deal with idiots. Now I understand not everyone can be as perfect as me, but come on... some examples of the stupid people that make me vibrate with frustration:

  1. People that insist on driving in the fast lane while going under the speed limit. If you want to pace the cars in the slow lane MOVE OVER THERE WITH THEM! Idiots.
  2. People that stand in line at Horton's for ten minutes and then get to the front of the line and have no clue what they want to order. WTF?? You've been in line for ten freaking minutes - could you not have glanced up at the board back then? Idiots.
  3. People that stand in line at Horton's for ten minutes then have to dig through their purses for money. WTF? You've been in line for ten freaking minutes - could you not have found your money back then? Idiots.
  4. People that tie up drive through lines because they have to order 40 coffees for all their freaking co-workers. GO INSIDE. Idiots.
  5. People that do not have the courtesy to hold doors for people. Rude idiots.
  6. People that rush to get in front of you on the highway and then slam on their brakes when they realize they didn't have enough room to fit into the cushion you'd allowed yourself. Idiots.
  7. People that bring their over tired children shopping. I tell you, not everyone wants to hear your kid wail like a banshee while you look for a new pair of jeans. Do everyone a favor and bring the kid home for a nap. Idiots.
  8. People that do not take the coats off their kids in malls. Funny how the adults take their own off because it's so freaking hot... why these knobs can't grasp the idea that their kids are wailing because they're super hot is beyond me. Idiots.
  9. People that stop in the middle of walkways in malls or stores to chat. Pisses me off to no end. There has to be a better place to stop... think about it. Idiots.
  10. People that buy scratch tickets at convenience stores and INSIST on scratching them there at the counter. MOVE OUT OF THE WAY. Idiots.
  11. Waitresses that neglect to bring you utensils until AFTER your plates are on the table. ARGGG. Idiots. (I would not bitch if they were busy, but if they're just too lazy - I lose it)
  12. I can go on and on and on... I really hate people that lack common sense. Seems common sense is not very common. Idiots. I am forced to deal with them everywhere, all day, every day.

Now these are not my pet peeves - I fear there is not enough room on the Internet to hold all that information - that list is four hundred times longer than my list of what makes an idiot - well... an idiot.

Wow - I'm feeling kind of aggressive now. Good thing everyone else is in bed!

I was lurking around on a site that talked about listing three things you're thankful for every day. So, let me try it and see if I can't turn this mood around:

  1. Chocolate - if I don't break out.
  2. My family - if they don't piss me off.
  3. My car - if it's running well.

What? That's not how it's supposed to work? hehehe. TOUGH! That's what you get from and irate chick with zero patience and who knows deep down inside she should be doing something other than this.

On that note, I think I'll go park my duff on the couch and watch the first 48 or whatever else might be on at this ungodly hour. I should probably go to bed seeing that Cole has an appointment with the dentist after school and I have to pick up my Dad and go bowling shortly thereafter which means no nap time available. That really sucks. But, it just hit me - I have only done one load of laundry. I got sidetracked when I walked past the computer room.

Alright, I'd better go back to the laundry room and try to put a dent in the huge pile of clothes before I'm tempted to commit suicide by jumping from it. (My stalker's line).

Good night dear stalker. I'm sure I'll talk at you tomorrow. Hope you're sleeping well!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with all of your Points!!

    Here are some of mine:

    What about people who do not hit the door open button on the elevator when they see you approaching - instead they hit close door.

    Stopping to hold the door open for someone at Tim Horton's and then get in line - IN FRONT OF YOU. Hey you were there first and wanted to help them and now you are waiting after them?

    People who half-assed apologize with a justification of their actions instead of a sincere "I am sorry"

    Kids who complain about every meal put in front of them or when they find out what is on the menu for dinner only to hear half way - hey this is good.

    How did the laundry go????

    I went to bed right after AI - 9pm and then slept in.
