Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Am I twenty again?

Don't think so. I had to pull an all nighter to finish the piano cake that I said would be fun to make... oh ya, a pant load of fun that was! Well, I'm sure I wouldn't feel as bad if I hadn't stayed up until 4:30am on Sunday and 3:00am on Monday.

I have issues. Well, here's the cake... I'm not 100% happy with it, but it will have to do. I am spent.

Note - there is a card that says "Happy 14th Birthday Erin!" I didn't want to pipe it on the cake because there wasn't enough room.

Now my kitchen is trashed. Too tired to clean it up. I would go lie down but it's already 7:23 (no, I'm not starting that again), and my alarm is always set for 7:20.

I hope she likes the cake. I hope the new recipes I tried are all good. I hope it was worth all the time and effort I put into it!

I have to go wake the boys up - will chat with you a little later if I can keep my eyes open!



  1. It looks absolutely stunning.....

    God you are going to be tired!

  2. I showed Al your cake tonight and all he could say is "wow she does great work" "she has gotten so good"

    then I told him you pulled an all nighter - his response "that is when she does her best work"

    he sure knows you!
