I got your text last night - we must have been at the bowling alley when you sent it because I didn't hear the notification until we were in the car on the way home. (oh, and to answer the question of whether we were sitting in the dark for earth day; does glow in the dark bowling count?)
It was alright - bowled a 217 and a 180-something. Near the end of the last game, some kids started bowling on the lanes next to us. Some little #$%@#^ grabbed a ball and launched it so hard that after it hit the right gutter, it came flying across the ball return and smashed into the panel above OUR lane and came back towards the approach in OUR right gutter. Next time it was my turn, I realized that it was one of MY personal balls that had fallen victim to the idiot. It now has a huge chunk out of it. Tom (Red Foreman) freaked on the kid. Anyway, what's done is done. Not like he did it on purpose, and how was he to know they weren't house balls?
You said that you'd filled 8 lawn bags of crap from your garden. I did nothing of the sort and today, all the piles of leaves and miscellaneous crap that I did mangae to rake up are now giant piles of wet gunk, so I will have to wait for them to dry before I can even consider putting them into those stupid paper lawn bags.
With regards to my last post, you asked "why post that you don't feel like typing - isn't it easier to click on the X?" The answer is simple. I spent all that energy to type it, and I didn't want my effort to go unnoticed, so I opted to post it. Why waste it?
Jay and Emma came over last night. I gave Emma the Mexican Jumping Beans I bought for Ian. She said they had something for me too. Like me, she had to borrow a pen to fill in the card and then she handed me a gift card for Michael's!
They headed home at about 1:45am. They forgot the jumping beans.
We have nothing exciting planned for today. Dull and dreary outside which is probably a good thing because our energy levels mirror the weather. Very tired. Only got 11 hours sleep!
I am going to go eat breakfast (current time 1:18 in the afternoon).
1:57pm still sitting in my Pajamas just finished "brunch" Al went out last night and got the fixing's to make it - was good.
ReplyDeleteI am about to wash this dirty face of mine and head out to drop child one at g/f's and hit no frills - on the menu for dinner tonight - chili - beyond that - no idea.
I have started looking at various Disney planning sites - people are nuts when it comes to Disney - i cant believe how many websites people have dedicated to all things Disney - almost like a cult.
I chose to clean up the yards because i am too lazy to clean up the house - how bad is that - well should get motivated if i am going to get anything done.